Too Busy To Exercise?

Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of time your friends and colleagues spend in the gym? Turned off by the idea of a tennis or squash game that entails not only the hour-long match but also getting to the club, changing into a outfit and then showering afterwards? Going to an exercise class or even doing a workout on your own can take just as long. With an already busy work and family life schedule, it’s hard to imagine finding any more time in the day for exercise. Making small changes in your schedule to fit in a little bit of exercise each day will make a world of difference to your health.

A Simple Exercise Program

Instead of ignoring exercise altogether, here’s a suggestion for integrating it into your busy schedule. Think of exercise like you think of a major task in the office. Break it up into tinier components.

Instead of spending two hours in the gym or in the tennis court like your friends do, ask your trainer to divide your workout program.

Suggestion A

30 minutes four times a week, i.e.: 20 minutes cardio, 10 minutes weights (1 muscle group, e.g. legs)

Suggestion B

30 minutes three times a week

Mon: 20 minutes cardio + 10 minutes stretching;

Tues: 20 minutes weights (2 muscle groups, e.g. back and abdominals) + 10 minutes of cardio.

Wed: 20 minutes cardio + 10 minutes of
Weights (two muscle groups, e.g. triceps or chest, biceps or shoulders)

Suggestion C

20 minutes 5 days a week.

Week 1: all cardio

Week 2: weights

Week 3: Cardio on Mon/Wed/Fri

Week 4: Weights on Tues/Thurs

Repeat the entire cycle when you get to month 2.

Frequency and Intensity

Ideally, you should gradually increase the frequency or intensity, or both. But if you’re busy, and definitely can’t spare more than 30 minutes a day, then increase your intensity. This means if your cardio involves the treadmill, take the notch up 1 level (if you started with level 3, go on to level 4 on month 2).

For your weight training, if you started with 5-pound weights, graduate into 7.5 pounds in month 2. And then on those days when your day is not filled with meetings, try to stay an extra 5-10 minutes.

Be realistic with your goals, especially when you’re just starting. Increasing frequency and intensity too soon can overwhelm you, making you want to give up.

We all know how important exercise is and it’s often not the desire that’s lacking but the time. By following this simple workout tricks you’ll be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle even if you’re juggling your work and home life.

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