Saying Goodbye to Your Furry Friend

As soon as you bring them home, they become family. You spend countless hours caring for them and loving them. And they love you back, no matter what. The family pet is a family member – a best friend. The loss of a pet can be a heart-wrenching and emotional experience. When your furry loved one can no longer enjoy a quality life, euthanasia can be a blessing for your pet. But saying goodbye is difficult.

It doesn’t matter if the death comes abruptly through trauma or gently at the veterinarian’s office, invariably, the result is the same, you are suddenly left with an empty feeling. Owners often say goodbye to their pet in a clinical setting and most do not have the opportunity to come together, as they would if a human family member died. There is no doubt that our pets touch our lives deeply through their unconditional love. For many, the loss of that love is also the loss of an era of time. As pets live longer, many owners are faced with the death of a companion who has seen them through life events (highschool, college, marriage, careers). That loss can be overwhelming for some.

When the day comes where you have to say goodbye, you can make your pet feel extra special. Talk to them, tell them how much you love them, and give them their favorite treats, dinner and toy to play with. Let them have their last time doing the things they truly enjoy. Show your pet how grateful you are for all the wonderful memories you have shared with them. Pets live in the moment. One of the most wonderful things about animals is how they embrace the present.

It’s said that an animal will tell his owner when it’s time to go. If only it were really that easy. Maybe they do tell us, but we can’t – or don’t want to – hear it. It is a tough call to make when you have a sick pet at home. There is no right answer when it comes to making end-of-life decisions, only what makes sense for you and your family. A veterinarian will help put your beloved furry family member to sleep.

When you have to return to that now empty home, it can be heart breaking. Remember the great times you shared with your pet. You can do this by putting up a memorial of them in your home with items such as picture, collar, paw print, and ashes if you decided to bring them home. This memorial spot will allow you stop and take a minute when you pass by to remember all the wonderful things your furry friend brought to your life.

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