Grow Together

Community vegetable gardens are not necessarily a new concept, but they have recently become more popular as the economy continues to slump and with people becoming more conscious of food storage, preservation and consumption. In lower income places such as areas within New Mexico, as much as 16 percent of the state participates in community gardens to share food supplies and as a way to grow together culturally.

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Face Time

I can remember a time when the landscape of the internet wasn’t dominated by all of these social media websites. It was a much happier place, and it is odd to think that this time was only a few years ago. However, we have now entered a period of change on the internet. It now seems like every man and their dog has an account on Facebook or some other social media network site.

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Become a Faster Runner

Once you start running it becomes almost like an addiction. This is one of the few sports in which you will be able to compete against yourself. People always try to beat their best time or to increase their overall pace. However, what happens when you hit a brick wall? You can’t just stop right? Unless you have started to utilize the tips below there is absolutely no way that you have managed to hit your top running speed. Let’s take a little look.

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On The Go

With the hectic schedules that we all keep and the decrease in attraction to fast food, the popularity of energy bars is on the rise for a quick, fuel packed snack that can be eaten on the go and is hassle free. Marketers of these handy treats do a phenomenal job of hyping up the nutritional value; however looks can be deceiving and so can marketing campaigns.

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Belly Fat Be Gone

If you are among the few who were blessed with phenomenal genes or have found the tricks of the trade for getting the much coveted flat abs, you are fortunate but certainly in the minority. Around the globe, people continue to battle belly fat and science shows that the stomach or abdominal region is among the most challenging areas to lost unwanted fat and keep it off.

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The Best Supplements to Enhance Your Fitness and Health

There are hundreds of supplements available on the market that make promises of being the best supplements for fitness and health. Aside from the fact that many don’t live up to their claims, consumers also have to sort through the flurry of information on each of them in order to conclude which will actually benefit them.

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Fit at Any Age

Managing to stay fit at any age presents its own set of hurdles and challenges, particularly in our older years when metabolisms begin to slow down and our muscles, bones and joints aren’t as strong as they once were. Far too many people associate being fit with being skinny, but there are definitive differences between them, and this is never more apparent than during the later years of life when some forms of exercise simply aren’t an option anymore.

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